Gamalon Assistant

A conversational interface that makes obscure information available to employees and customers of large, siloed organizations.


competitive analysis -> conversation modeling -> wizard-of-oz testing -> low-fidelity prototyping -> needs validation -> high-fidelity prototyping -> specs and beta ship -> production


Jon Linton, Alan deLespinasse, Ira Ladson, Glynnis Kearney, Madeleine Shang, Bryan Sadowski


2018 / 3 months

Problem Statement

As an organization grows, it begins to split into many smaller organizations, each with its own culture, ethos, and sphere of knowledge. The exchange of information across these sub-divisions can be a challenge because there is no single source of truth.


Gamalon Assistant a conversational interface that makes obscure information available to employees and customers of large, siloed organizations. Data from this interface is fed into an analytics platform that allows leaders to promote the free exchange of information and ideas in their community.

Selected Assets

A selection of assets from the prototyping process are presented here. For a detailed case study, see this page.

[Figure 1] A video showing an InVision click-through video of an early prototype of the interface. The goal was to highlight a flow in which the assistant is able to ask clarifying questions before providing a final answer to the user's question.

[Figure 2] A section of the spec handed off to engneering. This screenshot shows spacing specifications in the chatbot for mobile and tablet.

[Figure 3] A section of the spec handed off to engneering. This screenshot shows color and opacity specifications for the Assistant's dark theme.

[Figure 4] When the Assistant identifies multiple intentions, it asks the user what they would like to work on first.

[Figure 5] If appropriate, the Assistant resurfaces a topic from earlier on in the conversation to ensure that all of a user's goals are accomplished.

[Figure 6] (password protected) A video showing a version of Gamalon Assistant deployed in a client's internal website. In this case, the client is a multi-national chemicals company.